Dictation can free you
Get the training you need to master speaking your first drafts so you can finally enjoy all the benefits authors rave about with dictation.
What is dictation?
Instead of using a keyboard to type the sentences of your story worlds, you speak those sentences.
It’s fast. It’s easy on your body.
It’s what I like to call fictation: the act of dictating your fiction.
Conquer your fictional worlds through dictation
If we haven’t officially met…
…hey there! I’m Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer, author and writing instructor.
One of the most powerful tools in my author toolkit is dictation. I’ve written 11 books solely by dictation. My top hourly speed for writing a first draft is 4,000 words per hour and my top single word count day was over 11,000 words.
Now I’m here to help you master dictation for your writing life. Together, we will break through the mental and technical barriers that keep authors from dictation. I want you to have this powerful skill in your author toolkit.
Because I truly believe dictation can free you.
“I went from doubting to confident in four classes. I feel more free.”
—Amanda, author
Begin mastering dictation now
A quick guide to help you get started on your dictation journey, including a punctuation key.
During this 5-day virtual bootcamp, you receive the instruction, support, and accountability you need to complete daily exercises that get you ready for the grand finale–dictating a scene in your story.
Step inside this free video-based course to see how I set up Scrivener in simple but effective ways, and watch me dictate directly into the desktop and iOS versions of Scrivener to create fictional worlds.