Conquer your fictional worlds through dictation
Watch the free training video below!
The next Dictation Bootcamp for Authors takes place October 17, 18, 19, 23, & 24, 2023!
Train your brain
If you feel typing is holding you back from writing your most efficient first draft, it’s time to get your brain trained to speak your scenes.
Choose your tools
If you have a smartphone or computer, you can incorporate dictation into your writing life.
Finally Succeed
If you’ve tried dictation and can’t make it stick, this bootcamp is for you. Practical practice, community, and accountability are your keys to mastering dictation.

When you commit to mastering dictation, you get to enjoy all the benefits of:
Writing faster.
Health–movement opportunities, eye strain relieved, better posture.
Potential for more natural dialogue for your characters.
Your writing style translating into audiobooks.
Time management–write in situations that are impossible when typing.
Becoming a better speaker to help with marketing your books.
“Sarah’s incremental homework approach is achievable and very helpful. The daily assignments don't take too long but they made all the difference for me.
I know how to write by dictation now, on both my laptop and my phone.”
-Alison Lloyd, writer
If we haven’t officially met…
…hey there! I’m Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer, an author and digital course creator. I take authors who are struggling to master the tools and knowledge of their author business and help them become confident in writing their books.
My dictation bootcamp takes you through the process of mastering dictation through easy exercises.
I’ve been featured on Joanna Penn’s The Creative Penn podcast, Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Show, Jane Friedman’s blog, and more.
I have published 16 historical fiction books with American Indian characters. 10 of those books I wrote solely by dictation.
My top hourly speed for writing a first draft is 4000 words per hour and my top single word count day was over 11,000 words.
I want to invite you to join my live bootcamp for only $37!
The next bootcamp takes place October 2023
Here’s what you need to do:
.01 Register Now
Registration is now open! For $37, you get access to instruction, exercises, and a community of fiction authors who are mastering dictation alongside you.
.02 Attend the bootcamp
Each day, you’ll receive a link to a live video from me with your dictation exercise. After you complete the exercise, post it to the dictation community on Facebook, or email it to me for accountability.
.03 Successfully dictate your first scene
If you commit to completing the exercises every day, you’ll be ready for the final one–dictating an original scene in your story.
“I've been wanting to try this for ages, but didn't know how to jump in the deep end. This course takes you in the shallow end and gets you swimming out in the deep water with confidence.
I thought I'd still be daunted by the idea of dictation, but now, dictation is my friend!”
—Janine, author
What you get:
Step-by-step guidance in picking your tool and method for dictation.
6 exercises that will get you in shape to dictate like a pro.
Community support
Live inspiration
“I learned so much in such a short amount of time. I went from doubting to confident in four classes. I feel more free.”
—Amanda, author
Only about 1/4 of the authors are able to attend live at the last bootcamp, so it's definitely not a requirement. Authors participate virtually from all over the world.
Yes! I will send the replays out as soon as they are uploaded to Podia, which will host the replays and assignment notes.
The sessions take place at 11AM CDT (check out this world clock converter for help in comparing your time zone to mine.