Your key to clearing your brain so you can write fiction.
What are morning pages?
Originally introduced by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist Way, the idea is to brain dump your thoughts onto the page so your mind is clear to create.
No journaling, no holding back any thoughts. Get it all out so you can get on with writing. That’s the power behind morning pages.
Countless authors around the world do morning pages every day…
…but others are intimidated by the idea of how morning pages actually work and how to do them consistently enough to make a difference in their writing life.
That’s why I created a mini-course to teach you how to do morning pages in the most frictionless ways possible while establishing it as a solid part of your writing life.
f you enroll by March 17, 2025, you’ll also get 6-weeks of “inbox coaching” designed to help you establish your morning pages habit!
If we haven’t officially met…
…hey there! I’m Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer, author and writing instructor.
One powerful tool in my author toolkit is Morning Pages. I’ve done them for years now and have experienced more breakthroughs than I can remember because of them. Breakthroughs are often a daily thing thanks to morning pages.
Now I want to teach you the three methods you can use to get morning pages into your writing life and enjoy all the benefits that come with them. I’ll show you exactly how I’ve done each of these methods.
And if you enroll by March 17, 2025, you’ll also get 6-weeks of “inbox coaching” designed to help you establish your morning pages habit!
“Thanks, Sarah, for your guidance on morning pages generally--the other morning I found myself ruminating on some disappointments I'd had over the weekend, and after I'd got it all out of my system, as you suggested, I ended with gratitude--lots to be grateful for on the same subject, and it's important to keep that in perspective.”
—Claire Stening, author
“I tried morning pages long ago when the Cameron book was first published. I did have some success with them, but did not manage to keep the habit going. Your mini-course was just the right size for me when I needed to get unstuck and back to regular work. Lessons in bite-sized chunks with concrete ideas, and the challenge to give it a try.
“Now I have a clear path to the chapter revisions I need to do for my novel manuscript. Thank you, thank you!” —Vicki Holmsten, author
What's inside the Morning Pages Mini-Course?
Module 1: Morning Pages Explained
Lesson 1: What are morning pages?
Lesson 2: Why morning pages?
Lesson 3: How to do morning pages?
Module 2: The Methods of Morning Pages
Lesson 1: Handwriting
Lesson 2: Typing
Lesson 3: Dictating
Module 3: How to Do Morning Pages Daily
Lesson 1: Developing the habit
Lesson 2: To save or not to save?
Lesson 3: Morning Pages as self-therapy