Episode 13: Get it Together by Getting it Going

What if I told you there’s one method you can use to overcome any obstacle?

Since you listen to this podcast, you’re probably at least a little bit of a perfectionist. You like goal-setting, self-improvement, and learning the best way to do things. But when the “best way” isn’t clear, do you ever just feel… stuck?

If you've ever wondered...

-How do I pick the “best” idea?

-When to stop researching and start writing your story.

-How to get past fear of judgment.

-How to overcome perfectionism in the idea, drafting, editing, and publishing phases of your manuscript.

...listen to this week's episode! You'll learn how you can get it together in your creative life by simply getting it going.


Episode 14: Break Free from Overwhelm: Mastering Essentialism for Your Author Life


Episode 12: Is Dictation Considered AI-Assisted Writing?