Episode 14: Break Free from Overwhelm: Mastering Essentialism for Your Author Life

You’re likely familiar with the concept of "minimalism." While I’m not a die-hard minimalist myself, I am working to pare down my possessions...and also get to just the essentials in my author life.

Today I'm covering 19 ways to practice "Essentialism" as an author -- the power of paring down your life to the most essential tasks and stop being overwhelmed by all the to-dos.

You'll get actionable steps inside these 19 concepts that will allow you time to just "be" so you can live your best creative lifestyle.

Shoutout to Greg McKeown and his book Essentialism for these 19 concepts.


Episode 15: Decluttering Your Author Life to Make Room for Creativity


Episode 13: Get it Together by Getting it Going