Episode 16: The Art of Downtime - Three Rs for the Author Life

This week's podcast episode is a deep dive into three Rs of the author life.

Because living a confident fiction author lifestyle is not just about confidence in your productivity…it's also about feeling confident in your downtime!

Many writers don’t feel confident in their downtime. You may feel guilty for taking time off, confused about how to spend your time when not working, and ultimately stressed instead of rested after trying to take time off.

In this episode, I cover three easy-to-remember aspects of creative recovery for your most confident writing life:

√ Rest

√ Rejuvenation

√ Reading

Listen below to learn how to feel confident as a fiction author when you take time off, whether it’s a whole day or just a Saturday morning:


Episode 17: How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Author Career


Episode 15: Decluttering Your Author Life to Make Room for Creativity