Episode 15: Decluttering Your Author Life to Make Room for Creativity

What if I told you the key to doing more is actually doing less?

You may be struggling to find time to sit down and write… or you may feel scattered and distracted when you do sit down to write. Maybe you’ve carved out time through other methods like time blocking, but you find yourself simply too drained to be productive.

If so, it’s time to take practical action to help you reduce stress, fatigue, and overwhelm. I want you to live your best creative life with more time and energy for writing and things like hobbies, rest, friends and family, and of course, writing!

Let’s talk decluttering your time and your physical and digital spaces.

Decluttering is trendy—so trendy it can even seem like a fad. But in our modern world, where our attention is more divided than ever, conscious decluttering isn’t just a fad — it’s a necessity to protect our creative energy for our lifestyle.

Today I'm introducing ways to:

Declutter your time by reducing social media, number of projects, and multitasking & busyness, all while making a plan to fill those spaces with what you actually want to do.

Declutter your spaces - computers, phones, writing zones, and your environment all play a role in how you show up to write.

Listen below:


Episode 16: The Art of Downtime - Three Rs for the Author Life


Episode 14: Break Free from Overwhelm: Mastering Essentialism for Your Author Life