Episode 18: The Confidence to be a Quitter as an Author

Have you heard the saying, "Mama didn't raise no quitter?"

I think we all grow up hearing, “Don’t be a quitter!” But what if there were times and circumstances when quitting was a good thing?

The truth is, you most likely have too much on your plate. But "quitting” a project takes courage.

I’m going to give you tools you can use to decide when it's time to quit and how to do it in the right way.

In this episode, I cover:

- How to change your mindset about quitting

- How to handle the fear of letting others down

- How to eliminate a commitment in a positive way

Living your most confident writing life means knowing when to quit—and how to quit.

Listen to this week's episode as I take you into how to be a confident quitter while still honoring others.


Episode 19. How (Not) To Quit Writing - Preventing or Recovering from Burnout


Episode 17: How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Your Author Career