Episode 19. How (Not) To Quit Writing - Preventing or Recovering from Burnout

Time for a deep breath. Then come in close, my friend.

The past few weeks on The Confident Fiction Author podcast, we've talked a lot about decluttering your life to make room for creativity, and flat-out quitting on projects because you may be approaching burnout.

But today, I'm tackling one of the most difficult conversations we can have as authors. It all starts with a question you may be asking right now:

"What should I do if I feel like quitting fiction writing altogether?"

This may be the hardest question you ever ask of your career. We are going to ask it together so you can decide what's right for you.

If this is where you are at, if you are dealing with burnout and discouragement, I know you’re hoping for a solution or secret to love writing again. My goal is that you will find that solution by the end of this episode, like why and how to take a sabbatical from fiction writing before you make your final decision.

Know you are not alone. I’m sharing from my personal experiences, and many authors are hitting this point. It’s my hope this episode will guide you to the right answer to this difficult question.


Episode 18: The Confidence to be a Quitter as an Author